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I haven’t updated about this spiritual series for 2 years, and I do have a lot to say, and seems like every year has its special moment, but none will catch up this 2014 ever. Yes, my baby girl has arrived beautifully.

Without further ado (time is really limited right now, being a father with a whole lot more to do), I would like to open this read with Preface by Dalai Lama from the book “The Conscious Parent”.

“Although I am 75 years old, I still remember my mother’s spontaneous love and unselfish affection. Thinking about it today still gives me a sense of peace and inner calm. In our modern world one of the challenges we face is how to retain an appreciation of that kind of unselfish giving throughout our lives. When we grow up, our misguided intelligence tends to make us short-sighted, giving rise to fear, aggression, jealously, anger and frustration, which diminish our potential.”

I quoted Misguided Intelligence, how can intelligence can be misguided, how can human knowledge, experience can be misguided in this advanced modern age.

Here is the definition of intelligence from Wikipedia, Intelligence has been defined in many different ways such as in terms of one's capacity for logic, abstract thought, understanding, self-awareness, communication, learning, emotional knowledge, memory, planning, creativity and problem solving. It can also be more generally described as the ability to perceive and/or retain knowledge or information and apply it to itself or other instances of knowledge or information creating referable understanding models of any size, density, or complexity, due to any conscious or subconscious imposed will or instruction to do so.


Human, each of us has our own level of intelligence with relate to our life experience, information created around us based on how our conscious or subconscious reflect or imposed to those surroundings.But, let me pause here and think about it, who in the world firstly show or teach us how to accumulate intelligence during our life time, in other words, how to perceive, react things around us.


Just a little bit more, who will be Parents?
I just heard the final lines from the poem of William Wordsword, My Heart Leaps Up

A rainbow in the sky.
So was it when my life began;
So is it now I am a man;
So be it when I grow old,Or let me die!
The Child is father of the Man;
And I could wish my days to be
Bound each to each by natural piety.

My point is that each of us are destined to be a Better Parent and it is a very good chance that life gives us to become Children first and then be a Parent. Imagine life with, be a Parent first and then children later, it would be nightmare, I suppose.

So, here we go, almost reaching to my point, how do we be a better parent than our parents based on our childhood  or based on our considerable amount of accumulated intelligence during our life time (for me is 33 years of intelligence).

But let me put terms and conditions first, before I further drifted to what I want to reach. When I say Better Parent, does not mean, my parents or our parents are at worst in disgrace.

NO, Not at all, I am not who I am without my parents, I will not be who I am today without my parents guidance. I am just saying that, as of now of who I am because of my parent, how I can make use of my childhood experience to become more efficient, more conscious and more meaningful to my kids. Period.And, one more thing, do not jump to conclusion that you will never be parent since you planned to be Single and stop reading, No, huh, No freaking way. One way or the other you will portray as Parent to others (consciously or unconsciously) because you have come through childhood experience which is already build up or to be Parent one way or the other. That is why we all have our thoughts about if I were a parent, I won’t do like this, like that, etc., especially during our teenage years. So be aware Single. (I like the tone of it)

So talking about Better Parent, we need first to know ourselves, because in order to reach to higher degree of superlatives, you need know basic degree of superlatives, your parent and yourself. Since most of us (including myself), have a view of our parent parenting from receiving end, as a child perspective, it is honest to say that we need to know ourselves first and foremost. And I dare to say one more step, we need to connect with ourselves first. Because in order to connect with your children, you need to connect with yourself first.

By saying connection, do you know the spiritual reason we birth our children?

to be continued in PART II