Having said that male dominant , as of the nature of social environment and globalization, women are also hired for their professions and in some societies now men are compete with women for jobs that traditionally excluded women.
Here comes burmese values, traditional words (Yaung Naung Sa Tone Par). Needless to say, 95% of burmese women will come to abroad to stay with their hubby. Well, until now there is no case. What matter is that "unfortunately, that burmese girl is not in 95%, the very rare 5%, and she want to pursue her career in motherland. Would you give her a chance?
This is for the second thought if you say "Of Course". Firstly, you need to break rule (Yaung Naung Sa Tone Par), meaning, you have to fight with both parents (if they disagree), fight with burmese environment (society) which is the main barrier for most burmese women, as burmese people are very care about the enviroment. (even though they don't care about you). They are afraid of hearing "No" from society. (even though all are based on pessimistic).
I have just highlighted a very typical example for the ease of consideration. Above is the table about male and female roles model A and B. Based on that you can consider more widely and wisely than my article, I hope.
This is just a general case. Roles can be changed based on cultural environment and individuals concern.
Ref: Wikipedia
Another issue is that, our ladies are so much dependent, i m not going to say about marriage concern here, but to say about leading role and confident. Who is the one establishing the idea of women must be the second whenever in which situation comparing with their husband? I want to kill that idea badly very badly.
A typical burmese one stucks in a shadow of so called culture or perception of burmesenism as a result of native environment, system, surrounding especially of predecessors while taking into consideration of Buddhism, at the same time by not blaming it. There are some issues which arise from the realm of one's burmese perception whether staying in abroad or not. Not before saying too deeply in details, let's start from the basic common ground issue "Family".
When every burmese comes to it, we are bound with very traditional ways. Obeying elders, heritage family rules such as following the career advice of one's parents, for example, although one's passion is in singing or painting, one is sure to be forced to do due to his or her parent career advice such as doctor or may be something they admire to or something they want their child to be. In addition, one's has to sacrifice the career of what he want to do as for the support of his elder one's path, in other words, after the elder one finish or make or reach some distance in his chosen career, the previous sacrificed one can benefit from it or can depend on it, I , even, don't know who started that, but my burmese unconscious says it's true.
As far as i know, those kind of traditional ways of thinking style really slower the pace of mature as well as future trend of the next generation. In some cases, those sacrifices don't even have chances to explore their passion or knowledge in interested area throughout the entire life as sacrifice and creativity never comes together, ever. Besides, even in a small matter like drinking alcohol or smoking, off springs are strictly prohibited from them although their father do them in more or less. Those are just typical case studies of burmese family. Situations can vary based on different family cultural styles, though, core concept is undeniable.
Does those affect the future of burmese young generation although it was enough destroyed by the system itself, however, what about people? If changes have to be made indeed, shall we wait or try to make the system change first or make the changes on people first? Like saying "Creativity never blooms in a Room", in this first pacing era, we can't be still in closed system as well as, of course, close perception, thoughts, ideas. I hope that future family culture of burma will shift in favor of our next generation blossom, as one's person root perception coming from it's root, "Family".
so many things seem filled with the intent
to be lost that their loss is no disaster.
Lose something every day. Accept the fluster
of lost door keys, the hour badly spent.
The art of losing isn't hard to master.
Then practice losing farther, losing faster:
places, and names, and where it was you meant
to travel. None of these will bring disaster.
I lost my mother's watch. And look! my last, or
next-to-last, of three loved houses went.
The art of losing isn't hard to master.
I lost two cities, lovely ones. And, vaster,
some realms I owned, two rivers, a continent.
I miss them, but it wasn't a disaster.
---Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture
I love) I shan't have lied. It's evident
the art of losing's not too hard to master
though it may look like (Write it!) like disaster.
By Elizabeth Bishop
The only objective in mind,
A glimpse of a familiar pair
Of legs on a busy street or
A squeeze from a female who
You can only call your friend.
A scoreless night fosters hostility
A scoreless weekend breeds animosity
Through red eyes all the world is seen,
Angry at friends and family for no
Reasons that they can perceive.
Only you know why you are so mad.
There is the 'just friends' one who you've
Known for so long, who respects you
So much that you can't do what you want
And she no longer bothers to put on her
False personality and flirt because she thinks
You like her for who she is when what you
Liked about her was her flirtatiousness.
When your own hand becomes your best lover,
When your life-giving fertilizer is wasted
In a Kleenex and flushed down the toilet
You wonder when you are going to stop
Thinking about what could have happened
That night when you almost got somewhere.
There is the coy one who smile
And looks like she wants to meet you,
But you can't work up the nerve to talk
So instead she will become one of your nighttime
Fantasies, where you could have but didn't
Your hand will be substututed for hers.
When you neglect work and meaningful activities
When you neglect the ones who really love you
For a shot at a target that you rarely hit
Does everyone get lucky with women but you
Or do females just not want it as bad as you do?
By Neil Strauss (From the book 'The Game: Undercover the Secret Society of Pickup Artists')